Monday, October 11, 2010

5 year's ago today

I decided to look at my old blog and see what happened 5 years ago it is!

So Florida here we come...tomorrow...well actually we are heading out tomorrow night and depending on some minor details we may drive through the night and be in florida on thursday early...or we are going to stop at Sartains and spend the night...i'd really like to drive straight there though...i can't hardly wait to see Melissa and Nate...i love Mel so much and since she's been gone i've just been...well Griff and i are doing well...made it through the first month without killing one another...thats good...theres hope for this one...i got nominated for homecoming court...but its a tie between a couple people so if you are a junior at cnc and you love me go by the SAC on monday and vote for me please...haha you'll love seeing me dressed nice and you know it...Well i guess i better get back to some laundry and packing...though it seems that i have a whole heck of a lot more time to pack now...i love ya'll and its gonna be a flippin awesome fall break...except that i'm missing the Tusculum game and Griff is starting but i'll be listening for sure!!  peace ya'll

Back to the present.  Griff and I had been dating for a month at the time of the 5 year old post.  Now we have been married for 3 years!  What a crazy thought.  I am going to enjoy this day off, and make the most of it, hence being awake at 9:10 and coherent enough to post a blog :)  I hope everyone has a wonderful Columbus day!! JGG

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