Monday, October 11, 2010

2 Posts in one all time high :)

So I was tracking my blog stats...someone in India read my blog :) So hello India! As for making the most out of my productive day, I managed to get several loads of laundry done, and go the grocery store while Griff went to football. Oh and read about 300 pages of my Stephen King book, The Stand, which I would not recommend reading while suffering from a cold! Anyway, another King book with flipping fantastic characters, and I still have about 500 pages to read, so I will post more on that when I am done. Next King book I will be reading is Salem's Lot, which makes me think of that catchy cat Eminem's song that goes something like... "Feet don't fail me not, blah blah blah Salem's Lot."  Sure wish I could remember the rest.

On a completely random and unrelated thought, there is this website, I used to love it in college, and it is fantastic, especially when you are incrediblt bored and looking for a way to waste a good hour or so.  I recommend watching the Teen Girl Squad cartoons, they make me giggle :)  Alright, I have to fold some laundry and get back to my book, so with that I will end.  If Homestar Runner doesn't make you laugh, look up the Strong Bad email Lures and Jigs on the same site, it's what got me hooked!  Happy Monday everybody! JGG

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