Wednesday, October 6, 2010

So Here's the Thing...

I am apparently horrible when it comes to maintaining my blog.  Time seems to be an issue, as well as enthusiasm, but recently my interest has been revived no...wait...Rejuvinated!  As I am inspired by my dear friend Molly, check her out HERE, and my all time favorite Little sis, Ashley Skeie who's new blog about her 25th year of life is AWESOME, I have decided to embark on this little endevor again!  So hold me to it, check back regularly, and stay on my rear end if I start to slack off again!

With that in I go again on my own!

Today (12:16 am) I finished the most gnarly Stephen King book.  It is called Under the Dome and it came out in 2009.  It was close to 1,100 pages (which I read in 4 days (yes I am bragging a bit)) and the story follows a town that is suddenly trapped in a dome that comes down from the sky out of no where.  The town's second selectman is "crookeder" than a question mark, and he basically runs the town into the ground as the Army, Marines, etc try and save the people trapped inside the dome.
There is this great character, a 13 year old boy named Joe McCartney, who is like...McGiever...and is an incredibly smart skate boarder who helps try to resolve the crisis.  He is wise beyond his years, and is a very well developed character.
I recommend you all read it!  So awesome, couldn't put it down!

Now...on to other topics.  I am thinking of writing a book.  I have an idea, but I need help!  If you could send me stories of how people in your life met, your parents, your grandparents, you and your lova, anyone who is in love, or once was, I would really appreciate it.  my email address is and if you could just send them there that would be fantastical!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday night!  I will be sitting in class for the next hour or so....unless I just can't take it anymore and just waltz right out the door...which may just happen.  JGG

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