Monday, May 21, 2012

Not sure why but I was just eating an "alternative bagel" don't even ask what that means beacause I am not so sure I can explain it!  Anyway I've trashed it and now I am going to have some flavor blasted golf fish.  The fat kid in my is excited :)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Forgot how good sleep is

So tired today even though Mags slept all night. Good thing its a review day and we are watching the incredibles too :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I Throw my Hands up in the Air Sometimes, saying Heyo, Shut your Face Hole

So this is what I find really annoying.  People who are doing thing voluntarily, but continue to whine about them nonstop the entire time they are doing said activity.  Just shut up already.  You are a grown woman, no one is making you do said activity!!!  Also, everyone has problems, and many people have had the same problem you had, so stop making me feel guilty because I have worked my problem out!  Holy crapolie lady!!!  Sorry for the vagueness.  Don't feel like saying names to protect the idiots...i mean Innocent.

I another news, Boston is beating the crap out of the sixers!  Not a bandwagon Boston fan, just saying.  This blog post is stupid and i know it.  Too tired to say anything productive, except that i am going to try to make time every day to at least write a little on here so that maybe i can get some thoughts out of my head.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Back to Blogging

Soooo I fell off the Earth there for a minute, but it is only because I was incredibly busy growing a human being and birthing her and raising her for the last six months!  But now I am back, back to wow you with my excellent thoughts etc!  Enjoy!