Monday, November 2, 2009

The First Time

There was a time when I would post to Xanga, and I thought I was super cool as I told people annoying details of my life, that they couldn't have possibly cared about.  But **sigh** I have grown, and matured, and I now know that you couldn't possibly have so little time in your day, that you would actually care that I am drinking a bottled water, and chewing gum, and watching hot Heather Ledger in a Knight's Tale.
So this is the deal.  If anyone is actually reading this, I plan to use this blog, not to annoy you with my boring life, but to type my random thoughts, prayers, wishes, hopes, and any other nonsense that I may find whimsical or amusing.  I hope you enjoy it, and if you don't...there are options, 1. Stop Reading  or 2. Tell me about it!  Thanks! JGG